yarn link

yarn link 可以用作本地npm包的调试


假设有两个同级文件夹 react and react-relay ,要在react-relay 中使用react

$ cd react
$ yarn link
yarn link vx.x.x
success Registered "react".
info You can now run `yarn link "react"` in the projects where you want to use this module and it will be used instead.
$ cd ../react-relay
$ yarn link react
yarn link vx.x.x
success Registered "react".

这会创建一个 react-relay/node_modules/react 软链接到本地 react 工程.

链接注册在 ~/.config/yarn/link.

取消这个任务,则分别在两个文件夹使用 yarn unlink 或者 yarn unlink [package].

